Starvation: A case study

Starvation is the state of having no food for a long time eventually leading to death. According to The World CountsAround 9 million people die every year due to starvation and hunger related issues. This is more than from AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis combined.

The stats are haunting. The ground reality is even worse. In the 21st Century, hunger is still the world's biggest health problem and it is probably going to get more worse in upcoming years. Pandemics like COVID-19 often boost the stats. The following is the live count of deaths due to hunger. Pause for a while and feel it.

A child dies from hunger every 10 seconds.

Poor nutrition and starvation is responsible for the death of 3.1 million children a year. That's nearly half of all the deaths in children under the age of 5. Children die because their body lacks necessary nutrients and vitamins. Globally 822 million people suffer from undernourishment. One in 9 people in the world go to bed hungry.

Hunger Statistics.

Since 1990, there was seen a slight decrease in the graph of death due to hunger but the positivity vanished from 2015 and the world has seen an increase in number of hungry and undernourished people.

So the Earth lack food?

A big NO! Nature has provided enough resources to Earth that it can feed each and every species. The biggest problem is wastage of food. No doubt that climate change will contribute towards food insecurity in upcoming years, but we are still in a zone from where we can turn the graph toward zero. According to The United Nations:
The following is the live count of food which has been wasted in this year so far :                                                           
For your information the above stats are in Tons (1 Ton = 1000 Kg). An average human adult eats approx 5.46 pounds (2.47 Kg) of food everyday. Now you can visualize how much food is wasted every year.

What United Nations is doing?

The United Nations is on its way to ensure right to food to every human being. They have an aim for Zero Hunger till 2030. But by seeing the current pathetic conditions, the task seems much more daunting.

In my personal opinion for Zero Hunger in the world, we need to ensure Zero Food Wastage. The route to Zero Hunger is upto us. If we pledge for no more wastage of food and give the food to the needy one by the means of some community contribution then we are no more far from the Zero Hunger Day.


  1. The live counter shook me for a jiffy.

  2. This post is enough to awake the people
    And that live counter puts enough leverage on the topic

  3. Our fridge gets a new address! Yes, we are launching our new community fridge at Vellore. Reach out public foundation for food donation


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