Why Do Typos Happen?

Have you ever wondered what makes your brain type words that don't even ezisr exist? What is the root of this uncoordinated finger movements? What generated the nerve impulse that messed up your acquired reflexes? If you have had such questions then this is the place to get the answers.

The following are the situations and the reasons that make your mind glitch and lead to erroneous consequences:

1. Thinking Faster than Typing

Majority of people must have experienced this - 'you get a great idea in your head that you need to write down or you are in the middle of a sarcastic conversation where you have to show off your humor before the others, you try to type it all down as soon as possible but oh! now you notice so many typos after hitting the send/save button'. 

It feels awful, doesn't it? That happens because sometimes your thinking rate is faster than your typing speed. In such situations, your brain signals you to start typing the next sentence before you have even finished typing the first one. These mixed nerve impulses cause you to press the wrong buttons and create a text/draft which is a grammatical nightmare. 
The only way you can avoid this is by training yourself for a better typing speed. 

2. That Auto-Correct Feature! 

The auto-correct feature soon turns into the auto-incorrect feature if you have a habit of typing the wrong spelling of a particular word again and again or if you have a habit of clicking the word-prediction box after typing each or most of the words. Yes your phone has an inbuilt dictionary but every time you click on the word-prediction box, it saves that 'incorrect' spelling in the user-stored-words dictionary and suggests it the next time. Something similar happens when you keep typing the wrong words, your phone saves the wrong spelling when a certain frequency of  ' typing a particular word followed by hitting the space bar ' is reached. 

So basically, we are ourselves responsible for that 'auto-incorrect' feature. 
How to prevent it? - Well either switch off the word-prediction feature or start typing and saving the correct words.

3. Adrenaline Rush

Extreme happiness or excitement causes an adrenaline rush in our bodies which alters the normal functionality of the body parts. It also makes one to do work faster. So when someone texts us any good news or reveals something interesting that excites us, we often mistype words in that conversation because of the altered reflexes. 

There is no bad in having typos out of excitement since it lets the other person know that you are actually interested in the case and also glad about it. 

4. Anger

Bad temper can make anyone blind with wide-open eyes, it's a feeling that takes over our body like a parasite. Arguing with someone while texting comes under the minor reasons for typos. Anger makes us lose control and we tend to overlook things since all our focus is on the matter of discussion. 

We get so lost in proving ourselves and speaking bad on the back of other person that we don't even notice what we are writing or saying, and our lost focus makes us mistype words. 
Is there are way to get rid of that? - Yeah! Just get rid of your anger issues. 

Author: Praeshima
