Why Moral Education should be compulsory in Schools?

Moral education is basically a training which shows us the right and just way to lead our lives. Being honest, just, legitimate, accommodative, generous, to share love and care, show consideration and sensitivity are basic principles of moral education. It is more of a practice which enriches the way of our lifestyle. Moral Education is a pathway towards character development. The purpose of education system should not be to focus on "ornamenting" the students with handsome degree to make them robotic labour but to enrich them with morality, humanism, values, discipline and other humanistic values that will make them a kind human being first.

At school we are supposed to learn life values that could shape our personality and life as well. But in the mad race of cut throat competition we are lacking the ethics to live in a civilized society. The theoretical knowledge that a students gets from Science, Mathematics, Language will amount to nothing if school will not teach the students about the moral values and ethics. In a country like India, moral education is included in the syllabus only till junior classes and neither the teacher nor the parents are much concerned with this subject and they only pay that heed so that the students can get good grades to "do something in life". But to do anything in life, moral education plays a key role in all the spheres of life either it be personal or a professional one.

Moral education is something that every student should get because this subject applies to all the students doesn't matter from what stream they are. Infact this subject applies to each and every human being. Moral values, or ethics and respect for others should be a major subject from kindergarten to college level. If the school system started to focus more on moral education than on Science, Mathematics etc, the student will definitely become able to take the right decisions in life and shape their personality in a better way and hence will be closer to "do something in life".

The saying ,"A disciplined citizenry makes for a prosperous nation" is certainly true. We have seen nations like Finland and Japan which have one of the best education system in the world, growing with a constant rate in all the fields. A very common thing that the education system of both the countries share is that they focus more on moral education. 

We are not talking about "religious education" here, we're talking about discipline as the way of life though some of the fundamentals of religion are similar to those of moral education. Infact religious books like Bhagavad Gita throws light on the values of life. Parents nowadays don't have enough time to teach the life values to their kid. They are busy in paying the fee of the school so that their kid could become a good human being. But on the contrary, the kid is lacking the values like cooperation, compassion, forgiveness etc.

Examples of the lack of moral values and disrespect for the rights of others are easy to spot in our streets.
You must have heard that news of students committing suicide because of failure in examination. (They lack the understanding of the value of their life)

You might have seen drivers or motorists crossing the red light when there are no cops around (lack of moral values), and do not stop on a pedestrian lane (disrespect for the rights of others)

You might have heard the news where a man has given pineapple filled with firecrackers to a hungry pregnant elephant that dies horribly after it exploades in her mouth ( Click here to read more about it). It was the best example to show how people lack the moral values.

You might have heard the news of rapes, murders, bribes, terrorism etc. that clearly depicts how human beings lack humanistic values.

Moral Education: A solution to many problems

No doubt that lack of moral education is the key factor that leads to intolerable behavior. We need such an education system than can make us a human being first before "doing something in life". We need such an education system that can teach us how to cope with failure, depression, anxiety and not a one that forces us to commit suicide on a so called "failure".
If moral education becomes a compulsory subject in schools and colleges, the world will definitely see a fall in the graph of cases like rapes, murders and in all the cases where we see the lack of humanistic values.

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