
What is racism? Why do people become racist? Can racism end? Is being dark a crime? Does dark skin mean poverty? Why are people biased? 

There must be much more questions about racism in your head, especially if you are a victim, but in this article we'll answer our perspective on the points aforementioned. 

What Is Racism? 
Racism can be explained as the discrimination experienced by the people of one community from another where the latter is more dense than the former in that particular region. 
Globally, racism is seen as Black vs White but that doesn't mean there is zero racism in brown or black communities, it's just a matter of region.

Racism is not just mocking other communities, it involves showing our community as superior and others as inferior. In secular countries, you can socially support and promote your community but the moment you degrade else's community, you become a racist. 

Why Do People Become Racist?  
No one is born racist, the environment turns the kid into one. If the parents act biased to some of their kid's friends of other race, then the kid will grow into a racist. Racism is not a disease, it is a seed that is sown into young ones' minds by their parents, teachers, living environment and others. 
Parents sow the seed when they tell their kids to maintain distance from others, when they tell their kids to keep away from someone since they'll be a bad influence because of their race, when they tell their kids to make friends who are equal to them. 
Teachers sow the seed when they teach only half side of a community, when they teach only bad parts of a culture, when they teach their race as the savior of others, when they take no actions towards bullying. 
Above two contribute to the living environment of the child, the child starts to involve only with children of his/her community which leads to hatred towards others. 

People become racist because they are manipulated into thinking themselves as the superior beings. 

Can Racism End? 
In my opinion, yes it can. We need proper education system which will never teach something that can create wrath among classmates. We need to know the past, so that the mistakes don't repeat but we need to guide children for them to adapt only the good things. The communal riots and the reason for their rise will be taught but perfect guidance is must. Some children understand the reason of communal riots but others start feeling wrath against the community which acted falsely in the past. Such wrath should cease before it becomes fierce. 
The feeling of revenge should not exist for some deed whose consequences have already been faced. 

Is Being Dark a Crime? 
No, there is no skin color that is associated with crime and being dark can never be a crime. Skin tone is a result of our genetics which is highly influenced by the region in which we live. White people are white because their region lies far away from the Equator and not because they are superior. 
Being dark is as much a crime as living on the earth is. 
History speaks for this question and answers that skin colour was never associated with crime. It is our greed, necessity, awful mindset, discriminatory thinking and lack of education that makes us a criminal. 
If there are cases of black and brown people attacking the whites then there also exist the cases where the whites terrorize the so-called-inferior-people. 
So never think that your dark skin makes you a criminal. Stand firm and no one shall treat you so. 
Does Dark Skin Mean Poverty? 
Poverty is a matter of that particular person's consistency in work. The rich become poor by gambling and lying lazily while the poor become rich by working hard and being consistent. Poverty is also more of a regional thing and it is also associated with that person's homeland and work-land. 
Someone who was born in a developing country but is now working in a developed country might experience short-termed poverty because of the change in currency value. Someone can become broke in their own country as well due to poor expenditure habits or lack of job. 
So again, skin tone can't define status. Dark person should not be presumed as a poor person. In fact, no one shall be presumed that way. 
Barack Obama, Nelson Mandela, Morgan Freeman, Chris Gayle and many others have set the bar so high that it should be considered everytime someone tries to prejudge people based on ancient myths. 

Why Are People Biased? 
Because we let them to be so!
Yes people have the right to speech, the right to expression but that doesn't mean they can express themselves in an oppressive way. 
Your silence and lack of communication lets them to remain biased. Others' thinking can be broaden only when people raise their voice against the wrong.
Someone cracks a racial joke, you get hurt but instead of telling them you falsely giggle; that's the point when they start to level up, they don't realize how bad it felt and think that you were perfectly fine with it hence they become more and more biased. 
Giving them the right knowledge and communicating your feelings can suppress the oppression. Everyone won't empathize but maximum will. 
Author : Praeshima


  1. Nice work . Really apriciate your constant effort . This will pay off one day for sure.


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